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Thailand cave rescue: How can rescuers free the boys?

Want a Hassle Free Memorable Wedding?

I've been married for twenty-seven years enjoyed our wedding, but would do it very differently today here is why... Preparing for a wedding is extremely challenging and time-consuming. Finding the right venue, caterer, religious person, invitations, entertainment, dress, and food is a lot of work. It took us around a year to have everything in place prior to our wedding day. Besides the basics arrangements there are other responsibilities too. One is obtaining discounted hotel rates for guests from out-of- town. It is also traditional hosting an out-of-town guest dinner the night before the wedding. Then optional is the morning after the wedding guest breakfast. Fun times right! We can't forget our immediate family who have needs, like expecting certain people to be invited for their own benefit increasing our costs. As well as making thoughtful seating plans, especially for those dear relatives who can't get along like adults. All in your probably looking at $400/person, a hundred people brings your wedding to $40,000 for one night.

Let's talk about guests who are not close family being invited, many of us who get married never really consider them. It's our day and for some we expect them there. I'm sure these people are excited for their friends and family getting married. However, going to a wedding isn't cheap requiring cloths, travel, and the magic gift. According to my cousin the average gift should around $300 to $1000 for close family. Some people don't even earn that type money in a week. It puts them in a compromised position.

Here is what I consider to be a hassle free memorable wedding situation?

People say it is better in the Bahamas, why not get married there? Cut your guest list like to 6-8 people instead of hundred. Only ones attending would be parents, best man, maid- of- honor that's about it. Nothing would be more romantic and memorable than getting married at sunset on a beach right. It's not a year of your life preparing, less expensive than a traditional wedding, and the relatives who can't get along are at home. Let's not forget the honeymoon will continue at the same place you're married. When you return perhaps rent a hall have a potluck reception dinner for family and friends. As a matter of fact, get your relatives to arrange it while you're away. All you guys need to do is show-up to your wedding reception with no responsibility. Whatever route taken I wish all a long happy healthy prosperous life together!

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