New York Times thinks Yorkshire pudding is a dessert

Learn to Create Your Life
There is a completely empowering thought and idea that is so important, so simple and yet you may be living your life as if it were completely untrue.
You are the creator of your life.
This means not only do you make the decisions but also you choose the kinds of experiences you have in life. You decide how you interpret every situation as a result of living in creator or victim mode. Our conditioning can leave us thinking a whole host of negative things not only about ourselves but about the world in general, that are simply not true. Just because someone said that you weren't good enough many years ago, does not mean that there is any truth in the statement but by repeating it over and over in your head, you make it true. With your thoughts, you create your world and your world is entirely as you make it.
So it's no wonder we hit a brick wall when we try to create new things in our lives or set out on some new venture because we are dealing with two totally conflicting ideas. Robert Fritz in The Path of Least Resistance says, "the structural conflict most common in everyone's life is formed by two competing tension-resolution systems. One is based on your desire. The other is based on an incompatible dominant belief that you are not able to fulfill your desires."
Its no surprise then that we find it difficult to achieve things when we have this extremely strong internal conflict going on and you know, that unconscious conditioning that is governing our every decision without us consciously realising it - is much stronger than our will power. We need to re-educate ourselves. Don't think this is possible? Well, we actually educated ourselves in the first place by thinking the same thoughts over and over - so yes, it's completely possible to re-educate ourselves. Robert Fritz explains it brilliantly, "Without making the fundamental choice to be the predominant creative force in your life, no matter what you do to attempt to benefit yourself or enhance your life, you will merely be finding more sophisticated ways of responding to circumstances."
It's time to be proactive, not reactive. It's your life! You are in the driving seat.