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New DVLA car tax text scam WARNING - Here’s what YOU should do if you receive this message

Is Security For the Kids Worth an Insurance Payment?

It seems pretty obvious to both my husband and me that what we are buying with our term life insurance payment is security for the children we are planning on having, the first of which is due in a couple of months. The funny thing is, if all goes well we will never have to use the policy and the kids will never even be aware the policy payment bought them anything.

I guess being a parent brings with it a lot of responsibilities that really no one but you and your husband even know that you are taking. We could just as easily skip the insurance and no one would even know. Our friends wouldn't know. The government could care less. The kid's teachers wouldn't know whether or not we were providing a financial safety net for our kids. We could actually keep it from relatives if we wanted to. But my husband and I would know.

And if I didn't do the right thing I can just imagine I would suffer just enough sleepless nights and ill health to cost as much as the money we were saving by not having to pay a monthly life insurance premium. Anyway, I know I couldn't live with myself if we made the decision not to get Bob insurance coverage. Heck, it would probably work about the same way it works with me remembering to carry my umbrella during rainy season. If I have my umbrella so I am covered in case it rains, it won't rain. If I forget it then for sure it will rain.

So to secure our kids future and at the same time to make sure their father lives to a ripe old age we will pay the life insurance premium to be prepared in case he dies early.
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