'My son is not a criminal, he's a victim': Father of Santa Fe High School shooter claims his son, 17, was bullied and it may have prompted him to carry out the massacre that left 10 dead

'My son is not a criminal, he's a victim': Father of Santa Fe High School shooter claims his son, 17, was bullied and it may have prompted him to carry out the massacre that left 10 dead

Denmark: Tilting At Windmills, And Beyond

Why are people, throughout Scandinavia, often, considered, to be the happiest people in the world? Entering the Ports of Aalborg or Copenhagen, one immediately notices the numerous windmills, which we so rarely observe, in most areas of the United States. Throughout the streets, there seems to be a sense of calm, and content, happy individuals. While we often complain about our taxes, Danes, for example, embrace them. In Denmark, for example, tax rates for most, are 50 percent. Yet, the attitude appears to be, focused on the common good and an appreciation for the services provided, their way of life, and embracing our environment and protecting sustainability and health.

1. Services: How much do citizens of Denmark pay, to attend university? It's included in their tax payments, as is nearly all their medical, pharmaceuticals, hospital services, etc. Their old age pensions come from this, as well. Denmark's version of Unemployment and Disability Insurance, do, as well. So, while the taxes appear high, they certainly receive services, which provides them, with the standard of living, they seek and desire.

2. Attitude: Most analysts realize, individuals with a positive attitude, are far happier and contented, than others. If you think, you can, indeed, you're usually, well on your way, towards achieving what you desire. Why do Danes, so often, proceed, through life, happier and more content? Their politicians are expected to fulfill their promises, and meet or exceed expectations. One observes little of the blaming and complaining, we often witness in the United States. There is an apparent sense of pride in their nation, and providing for the necessities of the most needy. There is very little vitriol, but, rather, an attitude, we're all in this together.

3. Windmills: So, what do windmills represent? Indeed, many things, including the requirement to be responsible and caretakers for future generations. Preserving the sustainability, protecting clean air and water, conserving energy, and doing their part, together, for the common and sustainable best interests, is taken seriously. Rather than procrastinating or denying, they proceed, proactively, to evolve in a quality way.

This region proves, but their performance, and the example, they set, windmills should not merely be tilted, at, but rather, serve a viable solution. Quality healthcare and education, a sense of security, little crime, and a national sense of pride, which is deserved, explains, to a large degree, why they may be, the happiest, most content people, in the world

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